So, if you have any questions that relate to the second printing of Fallout: Equestria, post them below and we'll try our best to answer them all as they come in.

Yeah, saw you post in the other thread. I tried to move it, but it kept derping on me.EvergreenDream wrote: I just posted in the old thread, so I'll just copy and paste that here!
I passed up the first printing when I didn't have the cash thinking the second printing would still be 5 volumes. Is there any chance the 5 volume set would ever be offered again? I just really love how they look as opposed to two huge volumes. While I originally read it without any art, I think it would be cool to have the option, then again I'm not sure what your limitations are. I'm still debating getting the two volume set because they're hardcover, or if I should get my own set printed as 5 paperbacks...
Hi OddballMarko,OddballMarko wrote:Hey, I will be on holiday May 9th, and whilst it's not anywhere desolate (London), it's possible that I may have troubles finding steady internet connections, and I realise the payments are supposed to be made on that same day. Would there be any way to make the payment early, simply to avoid any on-the-day hassles, issues, and worries? Thanks.
We are still in talks about dust jackets. But no, the old ones will not work as we have two books instead of five.jardex22 wrote:Will the books include dust jackets? If no, will you provide official ones for us to print? I'm assuming the old ones won't work with the second printing.
We're going to finish this printing before we make any plans for another one.jardex22 wrote:While I'm at it, are you planning to help publish any non-FOE related books? I know someone who mentioned they were planning on a published version of their story.