* These are for personal use only. Personal use qualifies as self binding your own books or using local resources for yourself.
* Personal use can also qualify as putting these onto a personal e-book reader.
* These are not to be re-uploaded. If someone is interested in them please point them to this thread.
* These are never to see the light of Lulu. We were only able to format in the first place under the agreement that lulu would never be involved with Fallout: Equestria.
The rules are few but strict. By downloading the PDFs you are agreeing to the terms. If anyone does not agree to these terms and do as they ask, we will take down the PDFs for a period of time. If this happens multiple times we may take them down permanently. So please, Listen to the terms.
zemming edit:
File Uploads are broken, and in lieu of the site being fixed the first printing PDFs can be accessed here.
Just to be clear, I'm uploading these as a courtesy to, and out of respect for the first printing team. Their conditions still apply.
We cannot provide support to anything pertaining to the first printing. Plenty of info is available on the forms though, just look around a bit before asking questions