To learn more about the project, what's going on and what we're doing, you should read the the FAQ, which goes over the details.
In short, signups for the printing of FoE Pink Eyes are closed, but we have some extra books available for sale. If you are interested read below and please sign up on the reserve list:
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Good news! The books arrived from our manufacture! Check out the pictures:

We're working on packing them all up and shipping them out. Hopefully that won't take too long, but we'll have a better estimate once things get moving.
We'll post an update once they ship out with more details about tracking numbers and whatnot.
What about the reserve list?
We have enough extra books for everyone who signed up on the reserve list before today plus some, and we'll begin sending out invoices shortly. Reserve list books will be $29.99 USD, plus shipping ($5 US, $21 Canada, $25 everywhere else).
Invoices will be due by the end of the day (EDT) Saturday May 9th.