Third Printing?

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Re: Third Printing?

Post by Godwyn » Mon Sep 22, 2014 12:47 pm

I would also love a third printing. Sadly, I just never noticed that there was a book being made of them, despite thinking all winter that it would be awesome if someone did so :raritycry: . So, I too, hope for a third printing.

I would support the petition, but I am leery of any site that requires my address just to sign up.

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Re: Third Printing?

Post by Spyrolink » Tue Oct 14, 2014 10:17 pm

I just recently noticed that there were books out for Fallout: Equestria. :derpytongue2: I'd known it was good, but didn't know that books were made. I would very much appreciate the opportunity of there being a third printing. I'll gladly support anyway I can. :twilightsmile:

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Re: Third Printing?

Post by Vupralien » Wed Oct 15, 2014 1:46 am

I knew there was a book for Fallout: Equestria, I just did not have cash for ether the first or second prints. :raritycry: I do now and would fully support a third printing any way I can. :raritywink:
As for the side stories I would love to see some books if not a whole book dedicated to them. I would support these too. :pinkiehappy:

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Re: Third Printing?

Post by anubicdarque » Sun Oct 19, 2014 9:03 pm

an Anthology of FoE side stories? I do like the sounds of that, and would volunteer my own stories (when finished) for that (and buy the book of course) The tricky bit would be getting authors to agree, some may some may not, some may demand a book as "payment" which would make getting the book more costly to cover the cost of authors who want a freebee.

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Re: Third Printing?

Post by SpectrumScholar » Wed May 20, 2015 2:21 am

I would also very much support a third printing :pinkiehappy:
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Re: Third Printing?

Post by Calamity12 » Thu May 21, 2015 10:20 pm

Well as all the people that make a reply before im have many interest in acquire a copy of this wonderful book, i discover the proyect when you guys make the second print unfortunately i couldn't sign on time so i lost the chance. :ajsleepy:

Since then i wait for more news about another print and i really really really want one of those if you make more books. :lwalk:

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Re: Third Printing?

Post by SpectrumScholar » Fri May 22, 2015 1:35 pm

Here is hoping that the success of Pink Eyes spurs more interest in the origional :raritystarry:
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Re: Third Printing?

Post by Silentwoodfire » Thu Jun 04, 2015 7:31 pm

If there is a third printing a friend of mine would be very happy. (Even though I would have to do the ordering for him)

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Re: Third Printing?

Post by SilverlightPony » Wed Jun 10, 2015 2:09 pm

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Re: Third Printing?

Post by Eventorizon » Wed Aug 12, 2015 4:34 am

I have an alternative idea to a 'full on' third printing which might actually be easier. :pinkiehappy:
I recently found a set of Compact Discworld novels in an second hand book shop; here is a picture from amazon to give you an idea -
Each book measure around 3.5in or 90mm square. Between the four book in the set they basically make a cube.
Given the 5 books in FO:E I am sure the same trick could be pulled, even if they ended up a fraction larger - say 4in square.
In my head I have labelled it Fallout: Equestria - The Little Pip Edition. :twilightsheepish:
The downside to this is that the entire series would have to be reformatted accordingly, which is a lot of work. I have attempted to do a personal print of my own FO:E story, Ouroborous, and the time it took to set it all out was... well lets say at least a week for just 160'000 words. :twilightoops:
However this method should be a: cheaper to print, b: cheaper to ship, and c: could be sent inside a miniature memory orb! (I love the idea of having a 3D printed orb that you keep them safe in, and for other reasons which I wont say cos spoilers.)
Well, that's my speech, now what is your response? :twilightsmile:

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