Pink Eyes - Current Status

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Pink Eyes - Current Status

Post by zemming » Fri Apr 30, 2021 11:38 am

Hey everyone,
For some reason this printing has just been fraught with silly complications and communication issues, which just chewed up our timeline estimates without much tangible progress. Usually we're pretty laid back and confident our manufacturing partners will perform with excellence; this experience certainly has been abnormal. We're actively working to determine what may have been root causes for the issues we've seen, such that we can ensure our future printings remain consistent with our normal expectations.

As for the books:
After a ridiculous amount of bouncing back and forth, as of last week all the final proofs for Pink Eyes were approved.
As of right now the actual pages have been printed, and we're working with our manufacture to confirm what the production schedule at the bindery looks like. I can confidently say Pink Eyes will not be finished in April, and some of the tentative dates we're seeing are more like July. Obviously we're working do better than that; though we have limited leverage with the bindery backed up and short staffed, and with every publisher in the same boat trying to do the same things to move up timelines.
We're also working to determine whether or not our cover material was even ordered back in February, and are very unclear why on earth this is just now coming up. The material has a rather long lead time, especially if it has to be shipped by boat. And obviously the bindery can't bind the books without the material, regardless of our estimated production slot. As of a few minutes ago we know our manufacture is looking into alternative sources if there's a way to keep the lead-time and cost down. We will follow up with them on that point early next week.

All-in-all, we know we're moving forward, but there's still a few details up in the air preventing us from having a more certain completion date. Once we have more information we'll be sure to make another post so everyone's in the loop. Until then, thank you for your patience and understanding throughout this process. If you have any questions, please do feel free to reach out, our email is, or we can be reached directly through our our Discord Server. Thank you.

Wait, I missed signups! Wat do?
We usually have some extra books left over at the end of the printing. If you would like an opportunity to purchase one of the extra books, please sign up on the reserve list:

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Re: Pink Eyes - Current Status

Post by zeldapunkgrrl » Sat May 01, 2021 5:14 am

I'm going to be moving at the end of May, is there a way I can change the shipping address on my order at this point?

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Re: Pink Eyes - Current Status

Post by zemming » Sat May 01, 2021 10:08 am

zeldapunkgrrl wrote:
Sat May 01, 2021 5:14 am
I'm going to be moving at the end of May, is there a way I can change the shipping address on my order at this point?
Just shoot us an email with your new address and we can get that updated for you! :twilightsmile:

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