Pink Eyes - Signups Closed! Crunching Numbers Now

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Pink Eyes - Signups Closed! Crunching Numbers Now

Post by zemming » Sat Jan 16, 2021 2:20 pm

Many thanks to everyone who signed up to pre-order Pink Eyes! We're going to take a little bit to sit down and crunch some number. But we'll have a more full update here soon.

In the mean time: Wait, I missed signups! Wat do?

We usually have some extra books left over at the end of the printing. If you would like an opportunity to purchase one of the extra books, please sign up on the reserve list:
Reserve List:

Other than that, as always if you have any questions about the project, I'd recommend joining our Discord Server. You should also check out the FAQ, which goes into a bit more detail than this post. Or feel free to send us an email at

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