No we're not dead

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No we're not dead

Post by zemming » Mon Nov 09, 2020 6:13 pm

Hey everyone!
We know it's been pretty quiet around here lately, I just wanted to write up a quick post to make sure everyone has the most up-to-date info about the project and what's been going on.

First of all, if you're not already in our Discord server, I would highly recommend joining! Most of our day-to-day chatter takes place on Discord, and if you're looking for signs of life that's definitely the place to be.

As for the project itself, we're not dead. It's been an especially rough year, for many people for many different reasons, and the staff behind the project are no exception. Thankfully most of us are all right; we've had to focus a lot on other personal commitments that require attention, all of which unfortunately take away from time spent working on the Print Project.

That said, we do have a few books in queue that we very much want to see to completion. We have been actively (albeit slowly) working towards those goals. Rest assured, when we're ready to announce a new printing, we will post an announcement here on the website, and we'll ping everyone on Discord.

Until then, thank you for your patience and understanding as we work through these present times. As always, if you have any questions, feel free to hop in our Discord Server and ask in #general. Or shoot us an email at


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Re: No we're not dead

Post by C_II_R » Tue Nov 10, 2020 1:24 pm

It is good to hear most of the staff have been making it through all this. Thanks for the update and for continuing the project!

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Re: No we're not dead

Post by sxebrony » Wed Nov 18, 2020 9:04 pm

With everything going on this year, the amount of activity from here is about what I expected it to be. That said, I hope everyone is staying safe.

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