FoE 4th Printing: Almost There

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FoE 4th Printing: Almost There

Post by zemming » Sun Jun 30, 2019 8:05 pm

Hey everyone, Happy (early) 4th of July!

Just some quick updates on the 4th printing of Fallout: Equestria to answer some common questions we've received over the past couple weeks.

When will the books be finished?
Right now the books are on track to be finished July 15th. After that they need to be shipped to us. Then we can pack them up and ship them out to everyone. So right now we're estimating the books will be shipping (to you) late-July.

What if I've moved since signing up?
Send us an email at with your new address and we'll get it updated for you. Note it might take a few days for me to respond to your email. I'm a bit behind in that regard.

I don't remember what address I used to sign up!
Before the books ship we'll send out an email with the address we have on file for you. We'll also make a post here when that email goes out, so you know to check for it in case it gets caught it anyone's spam filter.
A copy of your address is also available on the online version of your invoice.

What about the reserve list?
We usually have some extra books left over at the end of the printing. If you would like an opportunity to purchase one of the extra books, please sign up on the reserve list:
The reserve list will be processed after the main batch is shipped out; typically it's a few weeks after. We'll make a post here when we do start working through it with more details about how it'll go down.
If you would like a guaranteed book, we are shooting to have some for sale in-person at BronyCon, though they will be priced a bit higher.

Other than that, if you have any questions about the project, feel free to send us an email at I have been a little slow to respond to emails thanks to some personal stuff that's been going on, but I will respond even if it takes me a bit. We also can be reached on our Discord server, which is probably the best way to get a hold of us for quick questions:

If you're curious about some of the specific details behind the delays and the 'behind the scenes' look at the project, I made a few posts that go more in-depth on our patreon page.


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