Project Horizons Card Set

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The Last Bottlecap
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Project Horizons Card Set

Post by The Last Bottlecap » Sun Aug 17, 2014 2:31 pm

So, a couple of days ago I finished chapter 69 of PH. That story really got into me and, for the first time in my life, I felt sick of doing nothing for all those great people, for example a team behind this second printing of Fo:E. This story kinda got into me. And so, I started asking myself questions like: 'What can I do for bronies community?'. And this time answering 'I'll become a musician and make pony music in future.' wasn't enough.
Thinking about it, I lay in bed listening to, well, pony music and shuffling cards. Wait, CARDS! :pinkiegasp: Wouldn't playing Caravan with Project Horizons related set of cards be awesome through the roof? Or, in case of Caravan, two different ones?
And so the idea was born.

Yeah, I'm thinking about making PH cards (and maybe Fo:E, PE, Heroes and MN7 after that), but I don't have any experience with that kind of stuff, so I'm asking for tips and hints, not only from the printing team or somepony like that, but also from the people who knows how this works in Poland.

I'm not a complete noob in that stuff, so I figured that I should ask Somber (duh!) and probably Bethesda and/or Hasbro for permission and put the line 'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and Fallout belong to their respective owners.' on the card box, but is there anything else? I don't want to make profit on that idea, I just want to do something to other bronies (but I also don't have the kind of money to just GIVE the cards to everyone).

Also, I'm not eighteen yet, so how the paying should be made?

I'm in no way an artist, so I'm not even thinking about making the images to cards myself. In other words, I'd need help with that.

Another question: shipping. How to find a good distributor?

Okay, I think that's the end of questions for now. Now, the design!

I personally would like the cards to look, well... post-apocalyptic. Like in Fallout: New Vegas.
I thought about making two different sets. I have some ideas, like greenly illuminated Core on the back side of the cards in one set and gassed atrium of the Stable 99 in second.
One of my ideas is to put the 'reformed villains' on the 'J' figures (dunno how they're called). Lancer, Psychoshy/Whisper, Deus and... How could I forget the last one?! Ponyfeathers!
Another idea: putting Blackjack on Queens in one set. Default, One-eyed and with 'rubber legs', leg-augmented (first or second design) and fully augmented.
Luna, Celestia, Goldenblood and all six Ministry Mares (in one card) as Kings.
Boo, Biscord and trapped Discord as Jokers.
Card box of this set would have Blackjack clinging to the building of the Core and Boo, when the megaspell was obliterating Shadowbolt Tower (that was one bad-ass moment).
One set ready (at least in my imagination).
In second set I would want to put Blackjack's friends, four 'big-ass opponents', like that scorpio-thing under the Core and the dragon from the bunker and 'Core Alliance' - Steel Rain, the Legate and Cognitum.

So, I think that's it. Give me ideas and tips if you have some to spare.

Of course before that idea will become reality, PH must be finished (I'm sure final would be perfect to put on the second card box). I also don't know if I'll pull it through, but I'll try. Hard. I need this. I need to do something for that great community.

EDIT: I would also like for the images to not be simple vectors, but something like 'playing with light' - shades and all that stuff.
Also, I didn't find any idea like that, but if there was any, tell me. I would want to know how it was done.
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Re: Project Horizons Card Set

Post by zemming » Sun Aug 17, 2014 3:26 pm

There's really only so much I can do to answer your questions. Cards and books both are printed, but they're a bit different to say the least :derpytongue2:

It sounds you'll want to start collecting artwork since that'll probably take the most time. Once you have all the cards designed, you can start looking into the other stuff.

Good luck :twilightsmile:

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Re: Project Horizons Card Set

Post by Red » Mon Aug 18, 2014 8:15 am

The Last Bottlecap wrote: One of my ideas is to put the 'reformed villains' on the 'J' figures (dunno how they're called). Lancer, Psychoshy/Whisper, Deus and... How could I forget the last one?! Ponyfeathers!
Another idea: putting Blackjack on Queens in one set. Default, One-eyed and with 'rubber legs', leg-augmented (first or second design) and fully augmented.
Luna, Celestia, Goldenblood and all six Ministry Mares (in one card) as Kings.
Just a heads-up, the 'J' figures are called Jacks.
On that note, Blackjack should totally be the Jack of Spades or Clubs. :bwalk:
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Re: Project Horizons Card Set

Post by The Last Bottlecap » Mon Aug 18, 2014 11:32 pm

I thought about putting Blackjack on Queens because of her cutie mark (Ace and Queen, if I don't have a sudden amnesia attack right now).
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Aka. Loretokartakan.

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Re: Project Horizons Card Set

Post by The Last Bottlecap » Sun Aug 31, 2014 7:22 am

I realize this topic's dead for some time, but if you don't have anything interesting to do and have an interesting idea about characters which will be put on cards, let me know here.

If I'll do it, I think the sets would be more interesting if more than two people designed them.
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Re: Project Horizons Card Set

Post by rainwell » Wed Jul 22, 2015 11:48 am

There're some examples of wasteland 2 cards: ... ackson-rob
If you could get a good artist, this shouln't have been a bad idea.

I know this is quite an old topic, but worth the try.

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Re: Project Horizons Card Set

Post by rainwell » Mon Aug 03, 2015 11:59 am

Found this: ... o1_500.jpg

Not a bad desing to be honest.

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Re: Project Horizons Card Set

Post by rainwell » Thu Aug 06, 2015 1:01 am

These from Wasteland 2 set:

or Exploding Kittens:

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Re: Project Horizons Card Set

Post by rainwell » Thu Aug 06, 2015 4:45 am

This is my idea, needs some work though.
Every 1/8 of the double deck is dedicated to one story. I've ended up with 7 so far.

There are just too many characters to choose from... And I don't want to leave someone important behind. Any thoughts?

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Re: Project Horizons Card Set

Post by rainwell » Thu Aug 06, 2015 11:42 pm

I'm not sure if we want cards II to X in full colored, might be too distracting factor from playing. Perhaps gray toned images only on these cards?
And of course, 2 deck option are, in my honest opinion much more useful than combining two same decks together.

And i don't know what to do with characters like derpy or enclave members. They are just in every fiction.

Should king cards be randomized or perhaps placed into a story line they were referenced the most?

And my idea of aces, the most useful items/ponies to the main protagonist? Still needs more thoughts to put into it.

There are some examples i've found on kickstarter:

I apologize for my poor english skills.

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