Book Arrivals v3

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Re: Book Arrivals v3

Post by indianahoofs » Sat Jul 01, 2017 8:36 pm

My guys in south Africa still isn't there.... im upset

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Re: Book Arrivals v3

Post by Faalentijn » Fri Jul 07, 2017 6:08 pm

Finally decided to give in and give up on the copy I bought for a friend. Someone at the local post office both refused to deliver the package and then later stole the second book for some reason unknown to me, the same post office decided to drive over some other packages of mine with a truck and rob it empty ( I want to recommend everybody who reads this to avoid USPS at all costs especially if you trying to send it internationally since they seem to have zero regard for the safety of your packages.

I'm really disappointed but I would really like to thank the people from the project who were a massive help the two times that I had to contact them, it was a great experience and I'm sad to report that it didn't end up working out.

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Re: Book Arrivals v3

Post by TitanCrane » Sun Jul 09, 2017 4:17 am

What's more can I say?Thanks everyone who makes this book possible,Mere words CANNOT express my feeling right now,感谢你们为这本书做出的努力!

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Re: Book Arrivals v3

Post by Limey » Sun Jul 09, 2017 5:10 am

Got my copies a little while ago but am really lazy. They look fantastic, still need more fics for my shelf though so keep em coming :twistnerd:

Fallout: Equestria First Printing
Fallout: Equestria First Printing
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Re: Book Arrivals v3

Post by Bassline » Fri Jul 14, 2017 3:41 pm

Haven't posted in ages, but guess I should. Got my v3 printing a while ago and it is beautiful. While nothing will compare to my v1, I am SO impressed with this printing! And it gives me hope that I wont have to buy a new bookshelf when FoE:PH finally gets a printing... If it ever does :bjshrug: :rainbowlaugh:
Also, I can't get the picture to orient properly.. Sorry xD

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