Zemming, what version of PDF/x were the original PDFs saved as? I downloaded the "Volume 19.zip" file several weeks ago, before the current corruption of the file. When I use the preflight tool in Adobe Acrobat to verify whether "Volume 1 v16.3.pdf" is compliant with PDF/X-1a, PDF/X-3, PDF/X-4, PDF/X-4p, PDF/X-5g, and PDF/X-5pg, it fails all of them.zemming wrote:We are aware of the issue with the PDFs. I emailed Arcane_Scroll since the PDF corruption was likely caused from the server migration a few weeks ago. If he cannot fix the files on the backend, we will explore other options to get them back up.
The posted PDFs are, to the best of my knowledge, the same PDF/x files given to the printer. So once the files are fixed, they should print just fine.
For the PDF/X-1a (2003) compliance test, I get the following errors:
OutputIntent for PDF/X missing
Document title empty/missing
PDF/X version key (GTS_PDFXVersion) missing
Trapped key not true or false
Compressed object streams used
Page does not have TrimBox or ArtBox
Object uses RGB
Transparency used (soft mask in image)
Font not embedded