Possible Printing Someday?

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Re: Possible Printing Someday?

Post by Stormlion1 » Sun May 14, 2017 7:13 am

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Winds Requiem
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Re: Possible Printing Someday?

Post by Winds Requiem » Sun May 14, 2017 6:38 pm

Heather_Trails wrote:
Winds Requiem wrote:The original project horizons google doc has the book separated into seperate arcs of the story. Wouldnt that be a perfect dividing point for a multi volume edition of printing?
How many arcs are there? The thing is massive. I don't want, like, 12 books or something cause there are so many arcs.

There are 5 volumes in total

Volume 1 "The Security Mare" (1-16)
Volume 2 "Blood and Stars" (17-33)
Volume 3 "Second Chance" (34-48)
Volume 4 "Homecoming" (49-62)
Volume 5 "Horizons" (63-73+ Epilogue)

So a 5 volume set would be PERFECT!!!

PLEASE make this happen!!!!

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Re: Possible Printing Someday?

Post by go-ive » Mon May 15, 2017 10:51 pm

A PH printing would be awesome.

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Re: Possible Printing Someday?

Post by ButterCream » Tue May 16, 2017 1:37 am

I may not have read PH just yet, but you can sure as sugar sign me up to that. I might have even read it by the time the project kicks off anyway.

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Re: Possible Printing Someday?

Post by Stormlion1 » Tue May 16, 2017 1:29 pm

I'm actually holding off until PH gets a book form then I will reread the original and then PH right after. So the longer it takes, the longer until I get to do a reread of the two stories!

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Re: Possible Printing Someday?

Post by Exo » Fri May 26, 2017 8:55 am

Might as well throw in here that I would absolutely buy a Project Horizons hardcover set, even if it were to go in 12 volumes (though I think that shouldn't be necessary), even if it were to sell for $200 (PH is important sentiment for me, so money is trivial). I will support this endeavor indefinitely.
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Re: Possible Printing Someday?

Post by Hystaspes » Thu Jun 08, 2017 9:29 pm

For what it's worth, I too am certainly willing to pay $200 or more if necessary for a complete Project Horizons book.

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Re: Possible Printing Someday?

Post by Wht » Fri Jun 09, 2017 7:34 am

As I learned with the spare volumes of the 3rd printing that were sold, I'm willing to pay the necessary cost for it. But hopefully the pricing won't get too out of hand this time.

As I'm thinking of it though. Besides the normal "whenisitdoenwhenisitdone...". Do we know how close the finalized version is to completion? (eg; book numbers decided, art gathered, etc...).

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Re: Possible Printing Someday?

Post by Stormlion1 » Sun Jun 11, 2017 8:48 am

Well the story is complete and the numbers printed will be up to how many preorder plus I few extra I think. Art is a added expense so other than cover art I doubt there will be any.

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Re: Possible Printing Someday?

Post by Brain » Sat Jul 01, 2017 8:19 am

Well I think its 3x longer, so maybe there'd be 3x the price of the last printing, which would be $105 to $255 then shipping maybe. But it depends on the quality of book, like the other fallout equestrias costed less but had more books because the books were cheaper to produce(but then more shipping cost I guess, tho its media mail I guess so prolly not), so considering how large it is I am sure its probably going to be on the cheaper estimation side (cheaper produced books). But also because its a spin-off and would cost more less people would probably buy which means more cost overall. So imo the estimated range is anywhere between... well the estimation per book was going to be like $50 or so then because they got a large turn out it dropped to $35, but then problems so it went back up. So assuming its the same kinda style of book as the last run I am thinking yeah around $150 (less buying prolly) but I'm not really sure. It would certainly help packing time tho tbh(which is a factor, plus why decline a higher quality of book?), if they did do the more condensed version of the book, so yeah I am thinking its going to be around $150, plus shipping. So $155 or $175 international.
But the actual range could be even lower if they go similar paper style but less features for the book. So my actual guesstimation is like $75 free American shipping(unless they can somehow fit all the pages in that one book, then I would say it could be as low as $60 maybe), to $300 plus shipping (like $7 shipping American cuz larger boxes cost slightly more lol). So what I would do, if I were not going to try n buy alot, would be save up $360 and if its expensive get one copy if its cheaper get multiple or you save money for w/e else. But because the books like 3x as long, it might be a 6 year project, OR it could be shorter without art and they are already working on it maybe, in which case I have no idea. Like, I looked its usually 2 years between projects but 4 years one time if I recall. So, if they are already working on it, it could be like 1 to 12 years. Sooner is better but it doesn't mean people wanna organize it so soon because of the last one so 2 years is prolly a more likely scenario.

So you should have plenty of time to save up da moneys anyways from ya know, not buying energy drinks or something and putting it towards a book fund.

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