FoE 3rd Printing - All Books Shipped

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FoE 3rd Printing - All Books Shipped

Post by zemming » Wed May 03, 2017 7:58 pm

Edit (May 6 13:00-ish EST): All the books were dropped off at the USPS depot last night (Friday May 5th). Tracking numbers were emailed via If you don't see yours, double check your spam folder.

Edit 2 (May 7 01:00 EST): I believe the only people who may not have tracking numbers are people with 1-book orders outside the USA. I'm pretty sure I just forgot to check the "email people" box when printing the first half of the list.
We'll send a mailchimp email out with tracking numbers once I get all the data compiled and imported into the mailing list, probably late Sunday or late Monday.
International books take a few days to process before leaving the US. So for anyone concerned about needing the tracking to pick their books up from customs, you should still be fine.

Edit 3 (May 8 23:40 EST) The mailchimp email was sent out containing everyone's tracking numbers in case you missed the previous email or was part of the group that I forgot to check the box for. If you didn't get it, check your spam folder.

*** *** ***

Many thanks to yetanothername, Derek and his grandmother, NPCtendo and his wife, and everyone who was able to help pack the books. Seriously, this would not have happened without your help. Thank you. :twilightsmile:

For those asking about the reserve list, we're going to get a little R&R in before we figure the pricing and logistics. We'll post an update when we send out invoices with more info.

*** *** ***

On to the news: The books are almost here, and they look absolutely stunning! :raritywink:

Check out the other pics here:

We're planning on getting them all boxed up and shipped out this Friday/Saturday with tracking number being emailed out shortly thereafter. We'll post more info here as we move forward.

Even more good news: Dust Jackets!
We know how much everyone wants to take care of their books, especially with this 3rd printing being so special. So each book includes a matching dust jacket! They're a velvety-smooth matte, which not only look and feel great, but also help protect the cover for the reader on the go.

I'm new to this, what's up?
To learn more about the project, what's going on and what we're doing, you should read the the FAQ, which goes over the details.
In short, signups for the third printing of Fallout: Equestria are closed, but we may have extra books available for sale near the end of the project. If you are interested please fill out the reserve sign up form:

That's all for now folks! As always, if you have any questions about the project, you should check out the FAQ, post in the FoE 3rd Printing Questions Thread. Or feel free to send us an email at

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Re: FoE 3rd Printing - Call for Help + Books Shipping Soon!

Post by zemming » Wed May 03, 2017 7:59 pm

For anyone who's been around with us the past few years, check out what I found still lying around!

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Re: FoE 3rd Printing - Call for Help + Books Shipping Soon!

Post by djazz » Wed May 03, 2017 9:14 pm

Can't.. contain.. hype! This looks so good! Nice work! And a dust jacket too? :D
Last edited by djazz on Wed May 03, 2017 11:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: FoE 3rd Printing - Call for Help + Books Shipping Soon!

Post by Quinnnniuq » Wed May 03, 2017 9:18 pm

SO PRETTY! They look amazing and everyone who has worked on this awesome X3 Can't wait.

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Re: FoE 3rd Printing - Call for Help + Books Shipping Soon!

Post by HaefenZebra » Wed May 03, 2017 10:35 pm

Simply fantastic, this really is a worthy anniversary printing!

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Re: FoE 3rd Printing - Call for Help + Books Shipping Soon!

Post by indianahoofs » Thu May 04, 2017 1:32 am

Oh. My. Gourd

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Re: FoE 3rd Printing - Call for Help + Books Shipping Soon!

Post by Winds Requiem » Thu May 04, 2017 2:36 am

:lwalk: OMFG these look amazing....

Please please please let there be enough extra reserve copies....

I need this... lol

About when will reserve copies be made available? I cant contain my hype :pipshrug:

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Re: FoE 3rd Printing - Call for Help + Books Shipping Soon!

Post by xxChant » Thu May 04, 2017 3:11 am

This book is gorgeous!!! Please let there be enough left over for the reserves :pinkiehappy:

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Re: FoE 3rd Printing - Call for Help + Books Shipping Soon!

Post by Lightning Chaser » Thu May 04, 2017 4:29 am

This was the best news I could have ever woken up to... :')

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Re: FoE 3rd Printing - Call for Help + Books Shipping Soon!

Post by NPCtendo » Thu May 04, 2017 6:25 am

Absolutely amazing. That artwork is phenomenal, and with the gilding, leather cover, ribbed spine. . . Wow. Just wow.

Thank you everyone involved in the project! You've really done something special.

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