FoE 4th Printing: We're delayed. big oof.

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FoE 4th Printing: We're delayed. big oof.

Post by zemming » Sat May 25, 2019 11:05 pm

Hey everyone,
It's been a while since we posted an update; we've been working to nail down a few things that have been up in the air causing delays and wanted to make sure we had all our ducks in a row first. Thank you for your patience throughout this process.

On to the updates!
To be blunt, the 4th edition printing of Fallout: Equestria will not be wrapped up this month. The actual pages have been printed for a bit, and and right now they are at the bindery basically waiting for the covers to be put on.

So, what happened?
There was a miscommunication with the bindery's capabilities compared to what we were quoted that took about 2-3 weeks to reach a resolution. Then earlier this week we were informed that the cover material for the books was backordered. Which is incredibly disappointing because it's not like they didn't know our books needed the material.

The cover material was scheduled to reach port within a few days, so we're mostly waiting for that to clear customs, make its way to the bindery, then for the bindery to start working on our books. We have been given a completion date of July 15th, to which I promptly responded with an angry email calling that into question. So I am hoping we can get that date bumped up and have the books finished up in June, but we will not know for sure until we get closer.

What's next?
A little bit before the books are finished we'll send out an email to everyone confirming everyone's shipping address. After that the books will be shipped to us, and we can work to get them packed and shipped to all of you. A few weeks later we will begin processing the reserve list depending on how many extra books are left over. More details about that will be posted when we get there.

Wait, I missed signups! Wat do?
We usually have some extra books left over at the end of the printing. If you would like an opportunity to purchase one of the extra books, please sign up on the reserve list:

Other than that, if you have any questions about the project, feel free to send us an email at I have been a little slow to respond to emails thanks to some personal stuff that's been going on, but I will respond even if it takes me a bit. We also can be reached on our Discord server, which is probably the best way to get a hold of us for quick questions:

If you're curious about some of the specific details behind the delays and the 'behind the scenes' look at the project, I made a few posts that go in-depth on our patreon page.


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Re: FoE 4th Printing: We're delayed. big oof.

Post by Voidgazer » Tue May 28, 2019 6:38 pm

Big thanks for keeping us updated. Sounds like the binders are seriously unprofessional. Hopefully when they get the books done they all have the right pages in them.

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