WE'RE BACK! -- Under New Management!
Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 12:14 pm
Hello everyone!
Since the other post is 14 pages long, and the information is a bit hard to find, I figured I would make another post that makes it easier to understand what is going on.
Myself, mrc0mmand, DDBProductions, yetanothername, and callumgare are working on the second printing. We started in early February, and we have been making good progress, so I feel safe when I say we are doing a second printing!
To answer a few quick questions:
How do I buy the book?
Right now, you can't. That's what we're working on. You can always print your own though if you want.
We don't have signups open right now, and it's too early to say for sure when they will be open. We want to open them as soon as we can, but we have work to do on our end before we can nail down a date. More on that in a bit.
I would recommend subscribing to the RSS feed, to get notifications when new stuff is posted.
Now on to the second printing details:
The first printing was a 5 book set, one volume per book, and cost around $86 for people in the US. We want to get the cost down so more people can afford the books, since that seems to be a deal breaker for a lot of people. So, we are completely reformatting FO:E and will be printing two books instead of five. The first book will have volumes one two and three, and the second book will have volumes four and five. The reformatting will also reduce the page count, which combine with only printing two books, should lower the cost. Shipping will be marginally cheaper just because the books should be lighter and take up less spaaace, but if you are outside the US, plan on the shipping being expensive regardless.
Right now, I am working on the formatting and am making good progress, but it's a long road, and it takes time. Formatting is really what will determine when signups are open, since I don't want to start taking names until I know I have files I can send to the printer.
Myself and the others working on the project are usually on IRC on canternet at #FalloutEquestriaBook. If you don't have a client, you can join using the mibbit web client.
Just a note, if you do stop by, we aren't all staring at the chat, and we're in different timezones. So don't be deterred if no one respond immediately, just wait a bit.
Other that that, if you have any questions, feel free to post them here. I also can be reached on IRC as zemming. Anyone voiced and above (they have a +, %, @, or ~ in front of their name) is working on the project and should be able to answer questions. If you need to PM someone, please ask before hand. Finally I can be reached by email at zemming@zemming.org.
P.S. Arcane_Scroll wanted me to mention that he is not involved in the printing. Please don't spam his email asking questions he won't be able to answer.
EDIT: added callumgare to the list of people actively working on the project.
Since the other post is 14 pages long, and the information is a bit hard to find, I figured I would make another post that makes it easier to understand what is going on.
Myself, mrc0mmand, DDBProductions, yetanothername, and callumgare are working on the second printing. We started in early February, and we have been making good progress, so I feel safe when I say we are doing a second printing!
To answer a few quick questions:
How do I buy the book?
Right now, you can't. That's what we're working on. You can always print your own though if you want.
We don't have signups open right now, and it's too early to say for sure when they will be open. We want to open them as soon as we can, but we have work to do on our end before we can nail down a date. More on that in a bit.
I would recommend subscribing to the RSS feed, to get notifications when new stuff is posted.
Now on to the second printing details:
The first printing was a 5 book set, one volume per book, and cost around $86 for people in the US. We want to get the cost down so more people can afford the books, since that seems to be a deal breaker for a lot of people. So, we are completely reformatting FO:E and will be printing two books instead of five. The first book will have volumes one two and three, and the second book will have volumes four and five. The reformatting will also reduce the page count, which combine with only printing two books, should lower the cost. Shipping will be marginally cheaper just because the books should be lighter and take up less spaaace, but if you are outside the US, plan on the shipping being expensive regardless.
Right now, I am working on the formatting and am making good progress, but it's a long road, and it takes time. Formatting is really what will determine when signups are open, since I don't want to start taking names until I know I have files I can send to the printer.
Myself and the others working on the project are usually on IRC on canternet at #FalloutEquestriaBook. If you don't have a client, you can join using the mibbit web client.
Just a note, if you do stop by, we aren't all staring at the chat, and we're in different timezones. So don't be deterred if no one respond immediately, just wait a bit.
Other that that, if you have any questions, feel free to post them here. I also can be reached on IRC as zemming. Anyone voiced and above (they have a +, %, @, or ~ in front of their name) is working on the project and should be able to answer questions. If you need to PM someone, please ask before hand. Finally I can be reached by email at zemming@zemming.org.
P.S. Arcane_Scroll wanted me to mention that he is not involved in the printing. Please don't spam his email asking questions he won't be able to answer.
EDIT: added callumgare to the list of people actively working on the project.